Owner statements allow you to let owners know exactly how much they have earned each month. To create an owner statement you must have owners created in Owner Center, and you must also assign owners to specific rentals.
To view or create statements, navigate to the Statements section in the left navigation bar:
Here you will see a list of all statements in the account.
The options above the list will allow you to customize the fields that are shown for your statements, filter your statements based on your selections or delete/download the selected statements:
To customize which fields/columns are shown, first click on the icon to "Choose filters and View your desired results" then on the Grid tab:
You will then be able to turn off any fields/columns that you don't wish to view.
If you will like to narrow down the statements that are shown, click on the icon then on the Filters tab. You will then have the option to display statements based on Channel, Date Range, Owners and Rentals.
If you will like to select filters that will be saved for you to view the statement list with these filters selected in the future, you can select your filters then click on the "Save your filter view" icon and save those selections as a Filter View.
The statements list contains details such as the statement #, owner, type of recognition method used (Interval), whether the statement is still open or closed and if it is visible to the owner.
You can easily identify statements that are automatic statements from the robot icon next to the Created date:
For more on automatic statements, please see the article here.
Creating a new statement
To create a new statement, click on the + Statement button.
This will pop up an overlay, allowing you to enter the required fields:
Owners - select the owner that this statement is being created for.
Revenue recognition method - this option lets to choose which date the revenue is calculated from, with the following options available:
Booking Creation Date
Booking Start Date (default selection)
Booking End Date
Invoice Paid Date
Date Range - Select the date period that this statement is for. You can use the calendar to select your date range or choose one from the list of pre-defined periods in the column available.
You will also be able to specify channels or rentals if you wish. If no channel or rental is selected, then the statement will be generated for all.
The "Include Canceled Bookings" checkbox gives you the option to also have canceled bookings reflected in the statement.
The Message area allows you to enter a message for this statement.
Once you have filled in all fields, click on the Save button.
Statement numbers are automatically generated based on the preferences selected in the Accounts Info (Sequential or Random), by default Random preference is selected.
Viewing and Editing a Statement
If you click on a statement from the list, you will be able to view or edit the statement details.
The following actions can also be performed by clicking on the available icons.
Delete the statement
Show/Preview the statement
Print the statement
Finalize the statement - adjustments will not be possible after doing this
Re-send the statement
The top area of the statement allows you to edit the Bill To, Bill From and Messages information by clicking on the Edit icon:
Below this area, each booking for the statement will be displayed as a line item with an option to add taxes.
You will also be able to add more line items or expenses to your statement.
You can also add Payment Terms, Payment Instructions and Notes that will be visible to the owner.
Statement Summary:
Here you will see totals for the statement, such as total nights, total guest, taxes, subtotal and the total payout.
As always, we're here to help. Please feel free to email support@ownercenter.net with any questions.