The Account Info area allows you to add settings for your account such as your login details, currency and preferences.
Here's how to make the changes.
First, click on your profile picture in the lower left corner then on Account Info:
You'll notice that there is also an option to change the language that you use in Owner Center below:
Clicking on the default "English" option, will display the other languages available to view the Owner Center platform in.
Updating your Account Details
Once you have clicked on Account Info, you will see the options below:
Here you will set your Name and you can also enter a Merchant Name for the account.
The email and password saved here will be used to log into Owner Center and you can use the Change Password button to update your password.
You will also be able to specify your Default Currency for the account and enter your Phone number.
Registration URL - you can copy this url and send to individuals who you will like to invite to become Owners in your account.
Lower on the Account Info page, you will see a Preferences section, allowing you to set how you will like your statement and invoice numbers to be generated:
The "Random" option is selected by default.
As always, we're here to help. Please feel free to email with any questions.